OpenAthens integration
Due to the integration of the OpenAthens cloud-hosting identity service, access to library resources is now easier and much safer. If you are off campus, you will no longer need a VPN. To access a particular resource, search for “access through the institution” (or it could be something similar) on the platform page, and then select OpenAthens where possible.
Access The Chronicle of Higher Education online
We are happy to announce our new online subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education.
As of May 2024, Constructor University students, faculty, and staff can access the Chronicle of Higher Education.
To access the website:
- Click on the following catalog link: https://constructoruniversity.on.worldcat.org/search?queryString=38571924
- Click on the link “Access journal”. This will bring you to the online version of the resource.
To create an account:
Follow the instructions provided by Chronicle.com here: https://www.chronicle.com/page/frequently-asked-site-license-questions/