Access The Chronicle of Higher Education online

We are happy to announce our new online subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education.

As of May 2024, Constructor University students, faculty, and staff can access the Chronicle of Higher Education.

To access the website:

  1. Click on the following catalog link: https://constructoruniversity.on.worldcat.org/search?queryString=38571924
  2. Click on the link “Access journal”. This will bring you to the online version of the resource.

To create an account:

Follow the instructions provided by Chronicle.com here: https://www.chronicle.com/page/frequently-asked-site-license-questions/

Access The Economist online

The IRC/Library provides access to The Economist online.

Since the publisher has changed their access method, please register for an account in three easy steps:

  1. Register on The Economist website using your @constructor.university email address.
  2. You will receive a verification email titled “You’ve been given an Economist subscription” from no-reply@economist.com, where you can verify your email address.
  3. You will be returned to economist.com and will have full access to the subscription.

Please note that after a transition period access via a Constructor University IP address will no longer be available and you must be a registered user.

New to The Economist? Please download the welcome package:

Welcome to The Economist (PDF)