Scientific Societies


Prof. Springer is the campus representative for the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), the professional organization of the biochemists in Germany.

The GBM does (among others) the following:

  • They organize a yearly meeting, the “Mosbacher Colloquium”,which usually has a very distinguished list of speakers. It takes place in the spring. There is also a smaller fall meeting.
  • They have study groups (sections) which hold smaller meetings.
  • They have a very good scientific journal called Biological Chemistry.
  • They issue a newsletter called BIOspektrum which has career and science news, job offers, and some very nice scientific review articles.
  • They give scientific prizes to students and faculty.
  • One good reason for students and postdocs to join GBM is that they give financial support to attend meetings.

Information material about GBM is available through their website; in addition, I am of course happy to answer any questions.

Other societies

For cell biologists, the representative society is the DGZ, and for immunologists, the DGfI; an index of all biological scientific societies is here.

Student societies

The GBM are very active with students (see above).

In addition, you should check out the btS (Biotechnologische Studenteninitiative) is a Germany-wide network of life science students who organize events mostly about jobs in Germany and career development. Here is a link to the Bremen branch who have regular meetings. They sure understand English but the meetings are likely to be in German.